Sunday, September 23, 2018

Your Daily Slice

His Shield

"You give me Your shield …” (Ps 18:35 CJB)

As with much of our Elohim’s Word, the richness of this verse is difficult to see until we look at the original Hebrew text.  English translations have only skimmed the surface of what King David was trying to convey when he first wrote these words, thousands of years ago.

The word “shield” used in the verse is from the Hebrew word māgēn (Strong’s #H4043), and literally translated means a small shield, used as a means of protection.  However, metaphorically speaking, it refers to Elohim Himself as a shield and protection, such as a shield of refuge (sees Ps 3:3; Ps 18:2).  David is acknowledging that Yahweh our Elohim is his shield, and that he (David) humbly and willingly recognizes this.

However, let us look closer at the thought of a shield of protection.  An umbrella is a form of a shield of protection, forming a barrier for us against not only the rain, but any intense sunlight as well.  Law enforcement, as well as military personnel, will use different forms of body armor, as a shield against incoming and enemy fire.  The walls and roof of our homes are also a shield, protecting us from the elements of outside influences, be they natural, such as weather, or physical, in the sense of human predators.

Our Elohim is all of this and more.  He is the barrier that stands between us, and the force of whatever is trying to harm us.  He is our shelter from any force of nature, and from any and all predators that attempt to consume us.  But only when we choose to walk in obedience to Him

“For You bless the righteous, O יהוה; You surround him with favour as with a shield.” (Ps 5:12 ISR)

“You are my hiding place and my shield; I have waited for Your word.” (Ps 119:114 ISR)


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