Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Elul 3
Sitting and Rising

“You know my sitting down and my rising up …” (Ps 139:2 ISR)

There is so much more going on here in this verse than simply sitting and standing.  Yâshab (Strong’s H3427) is the word that has been translated as ‘sitting down’, and also carries with it the suggestion of abiding, dwelling, inhabiting, and remaining – in other words, putting down roots.  Qûm (Strong’s H6965) is what has been translated as ‘rising up’, and while that is one of the meanings of this word (see also Deu 6:7), it also encompasses the thought of arising and becoming powerful (Gen 21:18; Num 23:24); arising and being established (Gen 9:9; Ex 6:4); and to arise and flourish (Gen 13:17; Ps 24:3).  But how does all of this relate to us?

Here are some thoughts that I believe we can personalize, and apply to our own lives:

Our Elohim knows well where I like to ‘hang out’, and He knows well – is intimately acquainted with - what gets ‘a rise’ out of me.  Have I been ‘sitting down’ and taking up residency where I shouldn’t?  Have I allowed myself to dwell too long in a setting that is detrimental to my relationship with my Creator?  Am I ‘rising’ up and establishing myself in something that is questionable through the eyes of Torah?  And am I ‘rising up’ and allowing pride to make me seem to be more powerful than what I really am?

The King is in the field, and He waits for us to come to Him.  However, I must first recognize the wrong places where I have ‘parked’, and the faulty positions that I have allowed myself to ‘rise up’ in.  Only then can I openly and honestly approach the place of teshuvah, and return to the One who waits for me.

“Only goodness and kindness follow me All the days of my life; AND I SHALL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF יהוה, To the length of days!” (Ps 23:6 ISR, emphasis mine)

“For He raised a witness in Yaʽaqoḇ, And set a Torah in Yisra’ĕl, Which He commanded our fathers, To teach them to their children; That it might be known to a generation to come, To children who would be born, TO RISE UP and relate them to their children, And place their trust in Elohim, And not forget the works of Ěl, But watch over His commands.” (Ps 78:5-7 ISR, emphasis mine)


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