Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Tammuz 28

A talmid [disciple] is not above his moreh. But everyone, having been fully trained, will be like his moreh (teacher). (Luke 6:40 OJB, emphasis and insert mine)

When asked concerning my religious affiliation, I most generally respond that I am a ‘disciple’ of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth.  But what is a disciple? According to Noah Webster, a disciple is “a learner; a scholar; one who receives instruction from another; a follower; an adherent to the doctrines of another”[1]  However, when we study the lives of the first disciples, and the relationship that they enjoyed with Messiah Yeshua, we are missing something.  Yes, they had one-on-one fellowship with Him; so do we, for He is in us.  The difference, I believe, is that after a period of time, they began to ‘copy-cat’ Him, as an understudy would do the lead actor of a play.  And in reality, is that not what we also are to do?

Letting ‘our light shine before men’ is a commandment from our Master (Mat 5:16), but whose light are we filled with, if not our Creator’s?  If we make the claim, as I have done, to be a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, then we are to be ‘mirror images’, if you will, of who He is, and what He represents, in the Kingdom of Elohim.  Am I perfect?  No, I am not; but “I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize offered by God's upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua.” (Phi 3:14 CJB). 

We are to study and learn of our Messiah Yeshua.  Who is He?  He was and is a Jew, and He is returning as a Jew.  Am I to become a Jew, to be a proselyte?  No, I am not; however, I believe that I have been grafted in to the tree that is Israel (see Rom 11:16-20).  Because of this, I am to follow His example in everything, and emulate His lifestyle to the best of my ability.  The only way any of us can achieve this is to go back to the beginning, to the same foundation from which our Master started from, the Torah, and learn as He learned.  Perhaps then we might truly begin to resemble Messiah Yeshua that lived, and still lives …

Show me Your ways, O יהוה; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the Elohim of my deliverance; On You I wait all the day.”  (Ps 25:4-5 ISR)


[1] American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828

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