Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Sivan 22

The orders of יהוה are STRAIGHT, rejoicing the heart.” (Ps 19:8 ISR, emphasis mine)

Noah Webster includes in his definition for the word ‘order’ the following: “Mandate; precept; command; authoritative direction; A rule or regulation.”[1]  An order is more than a request; it is a directive that we are expected to comply with.  And where do we find the “orders of יהוה”?  We find them by examining the pages of His Word, His Torah.

I believe that ‘crooked’ is the direct opposite of ‘straight’, and those things that are referred to as ‘crooked’ are usually done so with a negative connotation, for example, a ‘crooked politician’.  That which is straight, therefore, would be that which is correct and true.  The Hebrew word that has been translated as ‘straight’ is the word yâshâr (Strong’s H3477), and that is exactly what it means, as well as implying that which is upright and righteous.

Where there is no “rule or authoritative direction”, we will invariably find chaos, which ultimately leads to mass confusion, fear, and dis-order.  Any one of these is hardly something to rejoice about. 
It thus stands to reason that the opposite would be a cause of celebration. We are told in our opening verse that the ‘orders’ of our Elohim are worth rejoicing over, and they will bring joy and excitement to our hearts.  I would suggest to you that the only way this could happen is if we are adhering to the “orders of יהוה”, and enjoying the security such a lifestyle brings.

Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. (Jer 15:16 ISR)

For I delight in the Torah of Elohim according to the inward man …” (Rom 7:22 ISR)


[1] American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828

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