Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bread Crumbs


I got caught up in a few you-tube videos some days ago, and they were about removing barnacles from whales and other sea creatures, boats, ships, and even a polar bear. I never realized the problems that these crustaceans can be, especially when they begin to affect the health and welfare of the host critter. I knew of the problems concerning ships; through books I have read in the past, I have learned that routinely “scraping the bottom” of the boat was necessary to maintain the longevity of the vessel, as well as the power needed to reach destinations.


When I watched barnacles being removed from a half-grown polar bear, it was gut wrenching. The pain that the animal was in – you could see where the barnacles had burrowed through the thick hair to the skin of the animal, and it was causing a blood loss. The poor bear had to be tranquilized in order for professionals to work on it, and from what I saw, it was not a quick process. It was while watching this process that my Elohim revealed to me the spiritual significance of this process.


Those of us who claim allegiance to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are not OF this world, but we are IN it. As we walk through our daily lives, doing the things that are required of us as humans, while still attempting to “let our light so shine”, we may, inadvertently, pick up ‘things’. If they are not dealt with immediately, these hitch-hikers will multiply, until such time as we are lethargic and all but unable to move. Perhaps we too, are suffering from a ‘blood loss’, or other physical ailment. Most of us will recognize that we have a problem, while others will struggle on. Time for our ‘ship’ to enter the dry dock, and have our ‘barnacles’ removed.


Teshuvah is the ONLY method, the ONLY answer, the ONLY remedy to this problem. Please, folks, I am preaching to the choir here, as I have my own set of ‘barnacles’ that need to be burned off and thrown into the fire. On my face before my Creator, I have confessed my inattention, my negligence, in keeping watch over one that belongs to the King, the Master. As HE has revealed to me different areas that I have ignored and overlooked, He has also increased my vision, so that I can now clearly SEE where I was wrong. I am still applying the Balm of Gilead to those open and oozing places, but I am healing, and I give all praise, honor, and glory to the only One who deserves it.


Our King deserves a bride that is spotless, without blemish, not laden with ‘barnacles’. Examine yourselves, brethren.

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