Saturday, November 24, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Armed Guards

“For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [OF OBEDIENCE AND SERVICE].”  (Ps 91:11 AMPC, emphasis mine)

It has been more than 30 years ago that this particular incident happened, yet I remember it like it was yesterday.  A neighbor had brought her children (who were of similar ages to mine) over to play for the afternoon and returned later that same afternoon to pick them up.  When my friend (and her children) were loaded up in her older model Jeep Cherokee (late ‘60’s or early ‘70’s model?), I and my daughter Karen (about 6 years old at the time) were standing at the vehicle windows saying our farewells.  Karen was leaning in the window of the backdoor, talking with her young friend, while I talked with mine, the mom. 

As we said goodbye, both of us moms assumed that Karen had heard us, and had backed away from the vehicle; unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.  Consequently, as my friend stepped on the accelerator, the forward motion of the Jeep caused Karen to fall, throwing her one leg under the vehicle.  Before any of us had a chance to react, the rear tire had run over my daughter’s knee. 

Karen’s dad picked her up and carried her to the house, placing her on her bed.  By this time, her knee was bigger than a basketball.  A complete and total shalom settled over all of us – even Karen - (thank You, Abba!), and we knew that Karen was all right.  All of us there – my neighbor friend included – were born-again believers in Yeshua as our Messiah and believed in the “laying on of hands for healing” (see Jam 5:14), which is what we did.  We all felt led to wrap the knee in ice and cold compresses to control the swelling, and wait on our Creator, which is again what we did.  As Karen lay talking with her friends, we could physically see the swelling disappear.

Later that night, Elohim dropped this particular verse, (Psalm 91:11), into my spirit, with the admonition that there had been an angel standing next to Karen the entire time.  Yes, the Jeep ran over her knee, but because of the angel standing there, her knee was not completely crushed, and nothing was broken.  To this day, I believe that the angel picked up the rear end of the heavy, older model Jeep, in order that the full weight of it would not crush my daughter’s knee, doing damage that could have lasted the rest of her life.

May I strongly point out to you that our opening verse IS conditional.  You cannot expect and assume to have this kind of protection 24/7 if you are not willing to walk in the “way of obedience and service”, as it states above.  And the longer that you choose to dwell in the “secret place of the Most High”, the more willing, the more eager, the more you will desire to be obedient, and to serve …

“Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?”  (Heb 1:14 AMPC)


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