Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Your Daily Slice

His Truth

“…His truth is a shield and armour.”  (Ps 91:4 CJB)

Along with our residency in the “secret place” of the Most High, also comes intimacy. The more time we spend in this safe haven, the more we will know Him, our Elohim, and the more He will reveal to us the depths of His Word.  The more we understand His Word, the more we will desire both the written Word, and the living Word, Messiah Yeshua.

But with the intimacy comes accountability.  This is true of any relationship, and it is much more so with our Abba Father, our Heavenly Husband, our Creator and King. We cannot claim to love someone, want to live with them in closeness and intimacy, and not be willing to be obedient and accountable.  When we choose to walk in this obedience, from within this secret place, we find we are encircled with this “shield of truth” that sets us free.  However, it is only the truth that you know (personally and intimately), that will set you free.

“… If you OBEY what I say, then you are really my talmidim {disciples}, you will KNOW the truth, and the TRUTH will set you free."  (John 8:31-32 CJB, emphasis and insert mine)

“Yeshua said to him, I am THE way and truth and life.  No man comes to my Father except by me.  If you know me you also know my Father.  And from now on you know Him ...”   (John 14:6-7 HRVS, emphasis mine)

“Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Your Torah is truth.” (Ps 119:142 HRVS)


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