Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Elul 17

Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only such as is good FOR THE USE OF BUILDING UP, so as to impart what is pleasant to the hearers.” (Eph 4:29 ISR, emphasis mine)

Oikodomē (Strong’s G3619) is the Greek word that has been translated as ‘building up’ in this verse; other translations use the word ‘edifying’, which is also correct.  The meaning of the word includes the idea of constructing, of building, but specifically of building and promoting growth in a person’s character, and relationship with their Creator.  Having said that, it is yet amazing to me that in spite of the fact that our mouths were created first, to honor, praise and glorify our Creator, and second, to communicate with one another, with the intention of ‘building each other up’, we have so thoroughly misused and abused this gift of speech that has been given to us. 

The step-father that raised me from a small child until the time I married and left home was British by nationality, and had a command of the English language that I have never seen the equal to.  He truly was the diplomat in how he spoke and related to people, and his reputation as a businessman and friend was one of integrity.  I can well remember being on the receiving end of his discipline, where he would ‘chew me out’ without ever raising his voice, or uttering a single cuss word.  The flip side of the coin was all of the encouragement and inspiration he would shower me with, and he is the one that taught me how critical the proper knowledge and use of a dictionary and thesaurus were.  I still have his hardback copy of Roget’s Thesaurus, ©1962, that stays on my desk.

The choice of words we use when we interact with one another is indicative of not only our intelligence, our education, but also of our level of care and concern for our fellow man.  In this day and age, when every other word seems to be some kind of cuss word – many of which I have never heard of before – it appears that the general populace take immense pleasure in seeing how thoroughly and completely that can curse one another.  And this is also infecting the realms of those who call themselves children of the living Elohim.  Folks, stop for just a minute.  Picture, please, our Father, as He listens to the vitriol that spews forth out of mouths that He created for praise, honor, and encouragement.  Do you suppose He cringes when He listens to us?

During this season of teshuvah, this month of Elul, let us pay close attention to the how we talk with each other, of not only the words that we use, but even the tone of voice that we use when we speak.  James, the brother of our Messiah, teaches us that we are never fully mature until we have conquered the use of our tongue (Jam 3:2; 9-10), which should always be a source of blessings, encouragement, and words of life.  Speak life, brethren.  Speak hope.  And do so with kindness, and gentleness.

Let your word always be with favour, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you ought to answer each one.” (Col 4:6 ISR)

“Words of a wise man’s mouth show favour, but the lips of a fool swallow him up.” (Ecc 10:12 ISR)


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