Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Sivan 8

And do not lead us into trial …” (Mat 6:13 ISR)

I have seen this portion of the verse translated as “let us not sin when we are in trials”, which follows perfectly with the purpose behind trials and tests in our lives.  Deu 8:2 tells us that one of the reasons behind the forty years of wandering was to test and prove the Hebrew nation, as to whether or not they would keep the commandments of Elohim.  If our Elohim felt the need to test Abraham (see Gen 22:1), the one who is called the father of our faith, why should we think it would be any different for us?

Trials are for our benefit, to reveal to us exactly where our weaknesses lie.  Much like a pop quiz for school age children, the trials we face in our walk with Elohim are designed to show us the areas where we need improvement.  And as James, the brother of our Messiah instructed us, we are to “count it all joy when we fall into various trials”, diligently seeking the lesson to be learned from the trial that we are in.

Does Elohim actually “lead” us into these types of situations?  I don’t know that He actually grabs us by the hand, dragging and screaming, telling us that “here, this is the next test for you”.  Truthfully, I believe that much of what we walk through is the result of the brilliant choices that we have made along the way.  I also believe that Yah allows these “seasons” of testing to happen in our lives, to “prove” us, just as He did with the children of Yisra’el (Deu 8:2).  And the one thing that I am certain of, no matter how dark the valley of despair that I must walk through, He is with me all the way (Ps 23:4).

It is unfortunate that so many of us were taught that trials and tests all stem from the adversary, haSatan, the basis for this being where Messiah Yeshua was tested by the adversary (see Mat 4:1).  That is not to say that some of our trials may have originated with haSatan, but for the most part, the battle is with the yetzer hatov versus the yetzer hara (the good inclination versus the evil inclination) that resides within each one of us.  It is much easier to stand, yelling at the enemy, rebuking him until such time as you are red in the face, than to have to take control over all of the fleshly desires that seek to have their way in our lives.

What does the Amidah say of trials and tests?  There is not any specific mention of trials in this prayer; however, we find petitions for understanding, and compassion on those who are “righteous”.  The following is part of the section pertaining to the righteous:

“Grant a good reward to all who truly trust in Your Name.  Set our lot with them forever so that we may never be put to shame, for we have put our trust in You.”[1]




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