Sunday, April 8, 2018

Your Daily Slice

Nisan 23
Shadow of Death

When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death …” (Ps 23:4 ISR)

Noah Webster defines “shadow” as “Shade within defined limits; obscurity or deprivation of light, apparent on a plane and representing the form of the body which intercepts the rays of light; as the shadow of a man, of a tree or a tower; mystical representation; an imperfect and faint representation; opposed to substance.[1]  Using this definition, we can assume that a shadow is not the real image, it is merely an imperfect copy.  When we apply this to our opening verse, the “shadow of death” would probably mean a circumstance, situation, or place where death and destruction looms as a possibility.

In the history of Yerushalayim, there was such a literal place, called the “Valley of Hinnom”.  Located in the area south by southwest from the city, it was the place where the decadent Kings of Yisra’el would offer human sacrifices to the god Molech (see 2Kin 17:17), and, in later times, became the garbage dumb to the city.  Known in the Greek as Gehenna, our Master referred to the perpetual fires that burned there (see Mark 9:43, 47).  Apparently, this steep sided valley was also the place where the bodies of the dead were thrown, and again, during the time of Messiah Yeshua, the bottom end of this valley was the site of burial tombs of the wealthy.  Between the fires that burned continually, and the wild dogs that inhabited this area, it was not a choice nature walk.[2]

We are called to walk through such places, not turning to the left or right, but with our eyes focused on the One who leads us, totally trusting in His plan and purpose.  We cannot afford to glance at the dangers that might surround us, for just as surely Peter begin to sink in the water when he glanced at the wind and the waves (see Mat 14:25-32), we too will falter and fail when we do so.  Help us, Master, as we cling to You.

But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid. And beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Master, save me!”  And immediately יהושע stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “O you of little belief, why did you doubt?” (Mat 14:30-31 ISR)

יהוה is my rock and my stronghold and my deliverer; My Ěl is my rock, I take refuge in Him; My shield and the horn of my deliverance, my high tower. (Ps 18:2 ISR)


[1] American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828

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